In a shocking turn of events, The Young Bucks, Kazuchika Okada, and Jack Perry, known as The Elite, unleashed a brutal attack on Kenny Omega last week, leaving him battered. Despite his injuries, The Cleaner made a determined appearance on tonight’s AEW Dynamite, joining the broadcast via satellite from the hospital.
He announced monumental 4-on-4 Anarchy In The Arena tag team match for AEW Double or Nothing with The Elite facing off against Team AEW, comprising the courageous duo Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler, better known as FTR. Kenny Omega teased the revelation of the remaining two members in a promising showdown later that night.
At the end of the show, The Elite came down to the ring to address Kenny Omega’s comments and accepted the match for Double or Nothing believing that FTR would not be able to recruit anyone in the AEW locker to their squad.
Right after, Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler interrupted them and announced that they did indeed find two partners for the aforementioned match against The Elite. Following that, they were revealed to be Eddie Kingston and The American Dragon Bryan Danielson who came out on the stage to join FTR.
With the squad of 4 assembled, the Avengers of team AEW entered the ring, and an all-out brawl broke out between both teams, hinting at a preview of what is to come at AEW Double or Nothing in two weeks in Las Vegas.
What are your thoughts on FTR recruiting Bryan Danielson and Eddie Kingston for their match at AEW Double or Nothing? Sound off in the comments!